Social Justice 3 – Is Integral Mission as Integral as We Want? Is Social Justice as Just as We Think?

Social Justice 3 – Is Integral Mission as Integral as We Want? Is Social Justice as Just as We Think?

The Lausanne Movement describes integral mission as a style of mission that recognizes “no biblical dichotomy between evangelistic and social responsibility.” Putting this concept into the form of an action statement, we might say that integral mission is “integrating the proclamation of the gospel and social action.”

Habitude 7: Value the Soul Music; Avoid Music Colonialism

Habitude 7: Value the Soul Music; Avoid Music Colonialism

My dog howled every time I hit a certain note on my bamboo flute. He would lift up his head and cry as if he were calling upon a sweetheart in another village. I am not musically inclined in any form or fashion, but it was about time I learned more about Cambodian music and learn how to play at least one traditional instrument, even if it was only my dog who appreciated my level of playing.