Hero to Host 2-3 Day Immersive hosts a co-learning environment for those who want more than hero-based workshops, conferences, and webinars.
Gather with a small group of like-minded mission leaders for 2 or 3 days to rub shoulders, have meaningful conversations, and harvest the wisdom in the room that moves the needle on your life and work.
Hero to Host — how it works
- You choose the topic that matters to your group
- We meet in a place beneficial for collaboration, community, and spontaneous conversations around meals (e.g., a home, Airbnb, or retreat center)
- Five Stones Global hosts the experience using collaborative methods, such as Circles, ProAction Cafés, Storytelling, and more
Hero to Host — program specifics
- Allows you to be intentionally present with others about a topic that matters
- Practices meaningful conversations
- Creates space to co-create ideas, plan applications, and harvest the wisdom in the room
- Empowers participants to act wisely with refreshed clarity
Hero to Host — potential topics
Five Stones Global hosts topics that land in the sweet spot of our mission. Some possible topics include:
- Unhealthy Dependency
- Disciple-Making Movements
- Strategies for Oral Cultures
- Worldview-Intentionality
- Missional Communities
Hero to Host Costs: Final costs are determined based on the group size, location, meeting place, and meal planning. Reach out today so we can start planning your gathering.
Why we created Hero to Host
For several decades, we’ve rallied and trained mission workers to create a culture of sustainability and multiplication in the places they serve. Because of a globalized world, the West is engaging with the rest of the world like never before. So it’s more important than ever that missionaries and the organizations who lead them remember that we are not the hero.
We’re dedicated to providing missionaries with the coaching, training, and practical tools needed to multiply disciples organically among their host communities—utilizing biblical, reproducible models.
Get started with Hero to Host
If you have questions about Hero to Host and want to form your own group, our missionaries would love to chat with you.
We’re here to help you create a group that’s insightful, empowering, and dedicated to each member’s long-term success. Contact us today so we can ensure you design a missionary practice that’s impactful and sustainable without creating an unhealthy culture of dependency.
Free Guide
4-Steps for Making Cross-Cultural Decisions for Maximum Impact
A tool designed to help you make missiological decisions that produce local dignity, sustainability, and multiplication.