What We Can Learn from a Mizo Missionary Sent to Cambodia
When in Cambodia, I had the opportunity to meet and interact with Sairengpuia Sailo. He was a missionary sent out from Mizoram, Northeast India as a missionary to Cambodia.
When in Cambodia, I had the opportunity to meet and interact with Sairengpuia Sailo. He was a missionary sent out from Mizoram, Northeast India as a missionary to Cambodia.
I encourage you to learn the language until it hurts. And when it hurts, don’t give up; push through.
If people speak two or three languages, which language would I recommend a missionary should learn and use?
Jesus bled red for the Jew, for the Burmese, for the Ethiopian, for the man, and for the woman.
Was Jesus’ primary invitation to the rich young ruler about giving everything to the poor or about inviting him to become poor for a purpose?
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