Not With Ink

By Jean Johnson

Multiplying Oral-Friendly, Worldview-Intentional Bible Storying Circles

70 percent of the world’s population are oral to semi-oral learners. Not With Ink, a virtual course of Five Stones Global, takes you on a fascinating journey of building your confidence and competency in making disciples, planting churches, and training leaders among oral cultures in worldview-specific ways.

NOT WITH INK is a rare opportunity to learn from missionary coaches with years of experience in other worldviews.

Not With Ink — training specifics

  • Utilizes some oral methods in the training itself, such as imagery, stories, proverbs, videos, and role plays
  • Includes a coach leading participants through communal readings, activities, dialogue, prayer, and application via an e-book on Zoom
  • Creates community and facilitates shared wisdom among participants
  • Integrates disciple-making movement principles, orality, and worldview
  • Blends a worldview deep dive with orality and Bible storying beyond the typical

We offer an introduction over Zoom so participants can explore the content, learning methodology, and learning outcomes. This gives the opportunity for participants to decide if they want to invest the time and tailor the meeting times to the group’s needs and schedules.    

Not With Ink’s engaging 20 modules will help participants move beyond theory to application and go deep instead of merely wide. The lessons fly by, and participants are passionate about applying what they learn in their settings.

Registration Fee: $75* due after introduction Zoom call.

* with the option for discounts 

Not With Ink — outcomes participants can expect 

  • Identify learning styles
  • Skillfully tell Bible stories and use other modes of oral communication
  • Understand more about worldview in general
  • A way to journal worldview through stories, symbols, and rituals (includes a sample journal based on Cambodia)
  • Increased understanding of the deep-level culture of their host’s worldview 
  • Link their host’s worldview to their Bible storying, Bible Storying Circles, and discipleship
  • Create Bible Story sets that are worldview-specific
  • Lead and multiply Bible Storying Circles

Why we created Not With Ink 

Keeping local sustainability at the center of your mission work can increase your missional effectiveness and avoid common missionary pitfalls. Not With Ink is one of the many ways our team of missional experts helps you deliver long-term impact and carry out the Great Commission in biblically-mandated, culturally-effective, and reproducible ways. 

We’re dedicated to providing missionaries with the coaching, training, and practical tools needed to multiply disciples organically among their host communities—utilizing biblical, reproducible, and culturally-effective models.

Get started with Not With Ink

Do you have questions about Not With Ink and how our team can help you aim for truly transformative work? We’d love to chat. 

Our missionaries are here to answer your questions and walk you through the program’s benefits. Reach out today so we can help you design a missionary practice that’s impactful and sustainable without creating an unhealthy culture of dependency.

Categories: Training

Free Guide

4-Steps for Making Cross-Cultural Decisions for Maximum Impact

A tool designed to help you make missiological decisions that produce local dignity, sustainability, and multiplication.

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